FREEMASONRY: Making Good Men Better, Since Time Immemorial

The History of Olin S. Wright Lodge

EBENEZER LODGE NO. 79 whose charter was granted January 13, 1876, held their first meeting as a U.D. Lodge on October 30, A.D. 1875, A.L. 5875, at Shearhouse's Mill, Polk County, Florida, near the present Kathleen, Florida, with the following officers present, to-wit: E. E. Mizel, W. M.; W. M. Wilderk, S. W.; S. T. Hollingsworth, J. W.; J. W. Lanier, Treasurer.; J. J. Lewis, Secretary.; J. W. Bryant, S. D.; C. W. Deeson, J. D.; and A. J. Sauls, Tyler Pro Tem. Stated Communication was the Saturday before the first Sabbath in each month at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Bro. William Deeson thereafter petitioned for initiation and was the first man who was made a Master Mason in the Lodge, being raised April 1, 1876. On April 2, 1881, "after a free fraternal canvass of the good of the fraternity,” the Lodge resolved to remove to Shiloh and on May 3, 1881, the Grand Master granted the dispensation to move to Shiloh. Meetings were held in the second floor of the Methodist Church in Shiloh, located just north of the present city limits of Plant City. With the construction of the J. T. & K. W. Railroad by Bro. Plant, Plant City came into being and September 6, 1884, the Lodge voted to move from Shiloh to Plant City and change its name to Plant City Lodge No. 79, dispensation for same being granted by the Grand Lodge January 21, 1885. 


Freemasonry (or Masonry) is dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God. It uses the tools and implements of ancient architectural craftsmen symbolically in a system of instruction designed to build character and moral values in its members. Its singular purpose is to make good men better. Its bonds of friendship, compassion, and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military, and religious conflicts through the centuries.

Freemasonry is a fraternity which encourages its members to practice the faith of their personal acceptance. Masonry teaches that each person, through self-improvement and helping others, has an obligation to make a difference for good in the world.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Freemasonry is how so many men, from so many different walks of life, can meet together in peace, always conducting their affairs in harmony and friendship and calling each other "Brother." 

Stated Meeting

Lodge Address

Worshipful Master

Lodge Meetings: 1st. and 3rd.
Thursdays at 7:30pm.
803 W. Mahoney Street
Plant City, Florida 33563-4350
Charles P. Chancey, Jr. 
Contact (813) 310-4300